Performing Arts

Primary and Middle School have classes in both Music and Drama. Our Senior School students have the option of being involved in School Productions, the Worship Band and other extra curricular activities.

As part of the school year, Primary put on the Christmas production at the end of term 1 and Middle School tend to be involved with the Easter Service.


Aside from these productions, HOPAC also puts on a literary play, a musical and a talent show. The cast and crew for each of these often include students of all ages and sometimes staff.

Productions that we have done include:

Plays Made:

Performing Art At HOPAC

Students at HOPAC are involved in performing from the age of 5. They are offered music and drama throughout the school year from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Opportunities to perform come through various events throughout the school year. International day is a highlight where students have an opportunity to showcase their culture through dance, song and skits.

Plays Coming Soon:

Beacon School
Beacon School
Cambridge Assesment
Cambridge Assesment